About Jessica
If I’d had a coach to support me through the difficulties of my teenage years and my personal life, I could have embraced life very differently!

My background…
I grew up the daughter of two well-known Italian actors. When I was a little girl and later in my teens, I liked nothing more than to watch my parents on stage from the wings.
It was the only world I knew, and the only one I loved. So, with no great surprise, after obtaining a degree in modern languages, I went to drama school to get my diploma in acting.
It took a good few years to come to the realisation that acting wasn’t for me. However talented or not I was, was not the point.
After a lot of soul searching, I could no longer avoid the truth staring me in the face. The only reason I wanted to be an actor was because I wanted the applause. I needed the applause.
Having identified my profound lack of self-esteem as the common denominator in all the choices I’d made until then, I got to work on ‘me’ and abandoned the acting.

Why coaching girls?
I have an affinity with girls, simply because I was one. Arguably, girls and young women – particularly in this new century – have added pressures compared to boys and young men, exposing them to further potential issues.
Self-doubt, for me, started very early on, accompanying me into my adolescence and adulthood. My teenage years were very troubled, making my transition into adulthood somewhat painful.
For this reason, girls – especially teenage girls – are very close to my heart. I get them. I am genuinely interested in them, in what they say and how they say it; in what they want to express but feel they can’t; in what they talk about and in the choices they make, based on how they feel about themselves.